Trailer hitch wiring adapter. Part no. 8698079 ("Taillight Converter"), purchased from IPD in Portland, Oregon.
The wiring adapter plugs right in to a connector in the spare tire well of the Volvo. The wiring assembly comes with a grommet pre-installed, so that the wire passes out through the bottom of the spare tire well right by the receiver hitch.
The wiring assembly is meant to be used with a Volvo OEM hitch, which presents a vertical, rear-facing surface to mount the 4-pin plug to. The wiring assembly comes with a bracket having a 90 degree bend that is configured for that vertical, rear-facing surface. My "Hidden Hitch" brand receiver hitch didn't have a similar place to mount the bracket, so I unbent the bracket to make it totally flat, then mounted it to the underside of the Hidden Hitch.
I drilled and tapped a 1/4-20 hole into the underside of the hitch so that I could affix the bracket. My cordless drill was a bit too big to fit under the hitch, so I used an air-powered angle drill. I could have figured something else out, e.g., jacking up the rear of the car, but the angle drill worked fine.
Hey mate!
Thanks for posting this. It was extremely helpful. Out of curiosity what year is your car? I called the dealership about buying the part you used and they claim I need a control module as well.
Any thoughts?
This wagon was a 2001 NAS spec. I'm not sure what control module the dealership might be talking about. In my case, nothing was needed but the harness, which I believe has no "active" circuits but instead is merely a wiring adapter.
IPD in Portland Oregon is staffed with great people - I would try contacting them to see if they know what your dealership was referring to.
I ran out to my 07 v70 and i couldnt find a connector in the trunk so im guessing volvo has made things "conveniently" more complicated.
I looked all the way down the wiring that travels along the molding underneath the mouth of the trunk and didnt see any plug I could connect into. The install manual I found for the part you installed somewhat suggests the plug end is in the middle of the trunk.
Have you tried out the wiring harness. I've read some other posts and one indicated that this harness didn't work. I was wondering if you had any issues. Thanks by the way, this is a great post. I just bought a Curt hitch, but didn't find your post until after I placed the order so now I have to return the harness they provided.
@Bobothepilot - the harness works fine, no problems; plugged the trailer in and everything works as it is supposed to. :) With best regards-
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